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  1. Students coming from recognized schools cannot be admitted without the Leaving Certificate from that school.
  2. If they should come from recognized schools outside the state they should have their Leaving Certificate countersigned by the Inspecting Authority of that state.


  1. If a student is absent due to illness the student must on return bring a note written on the special page provided for the purpose in the calendar and signed by the parent or guardian. In case of prolonged illness, i.e. lasting more than three days the Principal should be informed and medical certificate should be produced in return.
  2. It may be noted that children will not be sent home even in an emergency with anyone who might come for them during school hours without a written request from the parent or guardian.
  3. Non-Catholics will be allowed sectional religious holidays only on previous written application from their parents.
  4. A fee of rupees 50/- per year will be charged for duplicate copy of the Leaving Certificate, Birth Certificate or an extract from the General Register.
  5. Attendance on the first day of school after vacations is compulsory.


  1. A Calendar months’ notice is to be given before the withdrawal of a student or else a fee will be charged. Such notice should be given in writing by the person responsible for the student and not by the student. Those who leave in April, must pay their fees for the month of May.
  2. School fees are due as long as the name of the student is on the register. You are requested to notify the office on time when the student leaves the school and the fees will have to be paid till the name is withdrawn.
  3. The Leaving Certificate (without which a student cannot join any other school) shall be refused to those who have not paid their fees and other dues.
  4. The Leaving Certificate should be applied in writing by the parent or guardian in the prescribed form. A month’s notice must be given before the student leaves the school.


  1. Catholic students are responsible to the school authorities for the performance of their religious duties. Top priority will be given to religious instructions and character formation.
  2. Any damage done in the class or in the school premises has to be made good. Students must take care of the equipment at their disposal.
  3. The school authorities will not be responsible for the loss, damage or robbery of student’s belongings. It is not advisable for the student’s to bring money or valuables to school.
  4. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited within the premises
  5. No collections for any purpose whatsoever will be made without prior permission of the Principal.
  6. No pupil is exempted from Games and Physical Training without a Medical Certificate. The period of exemption should be specified.
  7. The speaking of English is compulsory within the school premises.
  8. No gifts or any demonstration to the teacher is allowed without the previous consent of the Principal.
  9. Always take down in your class calendar the work assigned for the next day.
  10. Any communication (request or complaint) made by the parents should be addressed to the Principal and not to the Class Teacher. All correspondence from the school to the parents or guardians must go through the Principal.


  1. It is compulsory for students to be present in the school on the re-opening day.
  2. Regularity and obedience is expected in school.
  3. Politeness and courtesy of speech and conduct, as well as cleanliness of dress and person should be inculcated.
  4. Students are made to realize that they are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the school, but also for their general behavior outside.
  5. Parents need to understand that they cannot dictate terms to the Management. The Management has a right to decide on what conditions it will admit or retain students in the school.
  6. Finger-nails must be cut short and kept clean. No nail polish or mehendi is allowed.
  7. Students are not permitted to wear Jewelry.
  8. Students are expected to come to school with all that is necessary for their day’s work.
  9. Personal cleanliness and hygiene are greatly recommended to all. The student should be particularly careful not to throw any papers, seeds etc. anywhere in the school premises. They should use the bins provided for this purpose.
  10. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed.
  11. Parents should check whether the child does his/her homework daily.
  12. All students should speak in English in the school premises.



  1. Parents, guardians or outsiders are not allowed to speak to the students or their teachers during class hours.
  2. Parents are expected to co-operate in the work of the School by enforcing regularity and discipline and by taking general interest in the children’s progress.
  3. No parent will be permitted to meet any teacher to inquire about the behavior and progress of the child other than OPEN DAY.
  4. The Unit Tests reports and Semester Examination results should be scrutinized and signed by the parents.
  5. Attendance at School functions such as Children’s Day, Teacher’s Day, Sports Day, Independence Day, Republic Day, etc. is very essential.
  6. Parents or guardians are specially requested to notify the School of any change in address and phone number.
  7. When communicating with the Principal, parents are requested to mention in their letters the standard, name, roll number and division in which their child is studying.
  8. Parents or guardians should as soon as possible notify the School authorities of the occurrence of any contagious or infectious disease in the house where the student lives, and the student must not be sent to school until all damage of infection is over.
  9. Parents are informed that their children are liable to be detained after school hours by the Principal for any of the following:
    • Not wearing the correct uniform, wearing long earrings or applying of mehendi, nail polish or the use of Gel on hair.
    • Not bringing calendar/not having the report sheet signed when required.
    • Fail to excel in test or exams. 
    • Not having the report sheet signed when required.
    • Not having signed remarks written by the teachers in the calendar.
    • For in-completion of homework or given task by the teachers.
    • Repeatedly forgetting to bring books.


  1. School Medical Officers carry out the Medical, Dental and Eye inspection of the Pupils.
  2. Parents are requested to co-operate with the School Authorities with regard to the treatment as recommended by the School Medical Advisors. If any child requires special treatment as per medical advice the School Authorities will take care to inform the parents or guardian about such recommendations.
  3. In the case of accidents or emergencies, casualties will be taken to the nearest Hospital and the parents will be informed as soon as possible. While the School takes all precaution against accidents, the management takes no responsibility for the same.


  1. The Prize for General Proficiency is awarded to the candidate who obtains the highest total marks in the standard. Those securing the highest marks in every academic subject in the standard will be awarded a prize.
  2. Scholarship prizes are awarded to students both for curricular and co-curricular activities.


  1. School fees should be cleared by 15th February every year.
  2. Payment can be done in four installments.
  3. Kindly pay the fees on 2nd Saturday of every month.
  4. School fees are charged for the whole year.
  5. Admission Fees will not be refunded.
  6. The Pupils will not be allowed to appear for the Semester Examination until all fees due are paid till date.
  7. No deductions are made for vacations or for broken periods of attendance




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